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Symbolic Representation and Reality (Understanding the Nature of Mind and Reality)

Writer's picture: Lucas SegerenLucas Segeren

As we grow up, we are presented with a lot of information about what the world is.

We are led to believe that this information simply is what reality is.

But is it?

We are continuously told what reality is through symbolic representations of it.

All information that comes from thought uses some form of symbolic representation.

Symbolic representation is the use of mental representations to stand for experiences.

These symbols can be words, images, mathematical equations, gestures, or any other form that carries meaning.

The human mind is a complex system that processes information, perceives reality, and forms representations of its experiences.

Reality is all that exists.

Our experience of reality is heavily influenced by our senses, cognitive processes, and the way our minds interpret it.

What we perceive as reality is interpreted through our mental representations, and we may not have direct access to an objective reality as it exists beyond our cognition.

The mind constructs its understanding of reality by processing sensory information and organizing it into coherent mental models or representations.

These mental models are shaped by:

  • Cultural factors

  • Social factors

  • Individual factors

Symbolic representation allows us to categorize, label, and interpret elements of reality.

This makes reality comprehensible and communicable.

Language is a powerful symbolic system that allows us to communicate and convey complex thoughts and experiences.

It enables us to think abstractly, reason, plan, and share knowledge across generations.

Our thoughts are closely tied to language, as linguistic symbols shape the way we conceptualize the world and our experiences.

As powerful as symbolic representation is, it also has limitations and biases.

Ex: Language fails to fully capture certain experiences.

There is simply too much complexity within any given experience to be fully captured by a label.

The relationship between reality and symbolic representation has profound implications.

Questions related to the nature of truth, the extent of knowledge, and the possibility of objective reality are brought up.

Because mainstream human understanding of reality is limited to language, there is a deep subjective component to everything we do.

Language is a product of human cognition.

Because of this, it is inherently subjective.

Different individuals may interpret the same words differently based on their experiences, beliefs, and cultural backgrounds.

This can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

A great example is the word "God".

Some will think of it as a man in the sky.

Some will think of it as the substance of reality.

Some will be triggered by the word.

Some will feel a sense of ease with the word.

Some open up to it.

Some close down.

This is all based on their personal interpretation of the word, which has nothing to do with actual reality but their personal history.

Many experiences are simply ineffable.

In fact, all of them are.

We take this thing called reality.

Then, we boil it down to some labels we invented.

And BAM.

We think we've figured it out.


Although this present experience may seem simple to you.

It actually isn’t.

There is far too much change, vibration, motion, flux, and uncertainty occurring in the present moment for a label to capture it.

The moment you label reality, it has already changed.

Reality is, in part, a dynamic, interconnected web of experiences and perspectives, with each observer contributing to its ever-changing nature.

As humans gain more understanding, knowledge, information, and insights, our mental definitions of reality change.

Atoms vibrate, sensations change, and who we are shifts.

The inner and outer worlds are both in a constant state of change.

Reality is not just a collection of static entities or objects but a dynamic process of continuous becoming and transformation.

Reality reacts to the consciousness of the observer.

"We have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning."

- German physicist Werner Heisenberg

We are constantly affecting everything around us.

It is all interconnected.

Everything in the universe is linked and influences one another.

No event or phenomenon occurs in isolation.

Reality is a whole system where all its parts are interconnected and interdependent.

As humans raise their consciousness, they become more aware of the flow of reality.

This is not a hippy-dippy new-age belief.

"Just go with the flow, man".

The term "flow" is used to represent the underlying way of nature.

The natural movement to reality.

It is experienced as a visceral sense of constant change and fluidity in experience.

The opposite sense of reality is fixed, rigid, unchanging, and static.

Although it can appear that way. It isn’t.

Once we increase present-moment awareness, release resistance, and sense into reality directly with honest intentions.

We will find this flow I am speaking of.

The only reason it isn’t perceivable to most people is because their consciousness isn't evolved enough.

If you do not actively raise your consciousness, you will not sense this flow.

Your mind will be preoccupied with survival and using mental models to further its agenda, not existential truth (self-transcendence needs).

The implications of this are far-reaching.

It means that our perceptions of reality are not fixed or objective.

They are shaped by mental models and the symbolic systems we use to represent them (and our beliefs and assumptions about them).

The mainstream understanding of reality is a constructed matrix that we have agreed upon.

In 1000 years, it will be totally different.

Just like how it was totally different 1,000 years ago.

We believe we have reality figured out.

We believe our language and modern-day science are sufficient for understanding reality.

But it isn’t.

Language and science are great.

They help us tremendously.

But the nature of reality will never be discovered using some mechanical method and then put into a label.

Reality is way too far-reaching to be placed into some human construct.

Reality transcends any human construct or understanding.

As limited beings with finite cognitive capacities, our attempts to comprehend the vastness of reality can only scratch the surface of its true nature.

Our models, theories, experiments, and understandings are human constructs that provide us with a way to interact with and make sense of reality to a certain extent.

In essence, reality is boundless and unfathomable.

Our human constructs and models serve as tools to explore and navigate this vast expanse.

The humility to acknowledge our limitations as we explore the wonders of reality can lead us to a deeper appreciation of its grandeur and an ongoing sense of wonder and curiosity about the mysteries that lie beyond our current understanding.

We are foolish to believe we have any of this figured out.

A wiser approach is to look at everything you believe you know and realize how deeply mysterious it all is.

Realize that you have no clue what is really going on here.

Realize you’re stuck within your little bubble of reality and confuse it for a true understanding of the whole of it.

Your little bubble is any belief system or sense of reality you have.

It is all subject to change, and it does and will continue to.

We try to make an impermanent world permanent and suffer when we fail to do so.

We humans need to get over ourselves.

Humanity as a whole is loaded with arrogance, narcissism, and delusion.

Our highest potential is All-Encompassing Love, Truth, and Pure Understanding.

Our little reality bubble and our constant defenses of it prevent us from seeing past our self-imposed limitations and misconceptions.

I’m not saying humanity is bad.

We just need to take our conscious evolution more seriously.

This is not taught in schools, at work, in the media, or from any mainstream source of information.


Because they haven’t reached the higher levels of human development.

Do not depend on any external system or person to deliver truth, consciousness, and psychological growth to you.

This is your responsibility.

Other people and external systems can help you.

But ultimately, they cannot do the work for you.

You need to genuinely invest your time, energy, and attention into creating a shift in your own consciousness (this is essential).

You can do this through:

  • Mindfulness and meditation

  • Meditation retreats (extremely powerful)

  • Self-reflection and self-inquiry

  • Reading and learning (check out my booklist)

  • Nature connection

  • Gratitude practice

  • Compassion and empathy

  • Creative activities

  • Connecting to other highly conscious humans

  • Questioning assumptions and your core beliefs

  • Serving others

  • Limiting distractions

  • Embracing vulnerability

  • Practicing non-judgment

  • Spending time alone

  • Contemplating existential questions

  • Practicing mindful communication

  • Encouraging curiosity

  • Reflecting on impermanence

In summary, in order to discover the truth about reality, raising consciousness and psychological development need to be taken seriously.

These are the keys to advancing human perception, instincts, senses, thoughts, feelings, and intuitions.

We can’t keep doing more of the same and expect different results.

Humanity has been chasing its own tail by trying to encapsulate reality in labels, equations, images, and words.

It transcends all of this.

Signing off,

- Lucas


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